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时间: 2019-11-28 18:24 来源: 朗阁小编 作者: 朗阁君

朗阁教育(Longre)于1999年正式创建,总部位于上海,在中国近30个城市设有校区及公司,并在欧洲设有分 校。目前,朗阁教育主要涉及以下业务:国际学校升学备考;海外读本及升硕服务(背景提升项目,留学申请及境 外服务,雅思托福等留学前标化考试培训);艺术留学及学习解决方案;欧亚留学服务及小语种培训;国内考研服务及综合英语等。


自创立以来,朗阁教育逐渐发展成为具备国际教育服务理念的品牌。我们关注自主学习能力,帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和学习方法,全面挖掘学员自我潜力;我们重视人格素质修养,培养学员全球视野下的独立人格和性格力量;我们更秉诚正向价值观,注重向学员传递“提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值”的理念,激励学员 在今后的学习生活中勇于探索,塑造正向社会价值观。




Longre Education

Longre Education (Longre) was officially established in 1999. Headquartered in Shanghai, it has cam[1]puses and companies in nearly 30 cities in China, as well as branch schools in Europe. At present, Longre Education is mainly involved in the following business: school selection and preparation for international schools; overseas undergraduate study and master's degree services (background improvement projects, study abroad applications and overseas services, IELTS and TOEFL and other standardized pre-study test training); overseas art education and study solutions program; Eurasian overseas study service and minor languages training; domestic postgraduate entrance examination service and comprehensive English training, etc.

Since its establishment, Longre Education has gradually developed into a brand with international

education service concepts. We pay attention to self-learning ability, help students form good learning habits and learning methods, and fully tap the students' self-potential. We attach importance to the culti[1]vation of personality and cultivate students' independent personality and character strength from a global perspective. We are more sincere with positive values, pay attention to conveying the concept of "improving oneself, improving others, and enhancing social value" to students, inspiring students to explore and shape positive social values in their future study and life.



